What Is Tummy Tuck Surgery?
Abdominoplasty can be an immensely gratifying procedure for the patient who is ready to see their abdominal contours again. This surgery can help those who are interested achieve a contoured, hourglass shape. It can help those who are interested obtain a more visible six-pack or washboard abs. Technically, abdominoplasty is the surgery that removes excess tissue from the middle and lower abdomen. It tightens the underlying muscle and trims skin to achieve smooth, flat, contoured results.
Points You Should Know About Tummy Tuck Surgery
A tummy tuck is for you if you are healthy, do not smoke (or will quit for a short time), and have maintained a stable weight for at least the last six months. Abdominoplasty is suitable for patients who have realistic expectations and a healthy body image. Ideally, it is reserved for a time at which a woman does not plan to become pregnant in the future.
One of the biggest misconceptions about abdominoplasty is that recovery is very painful. It is not, but you can expect mild to moderate discomfort. After surgery, we advise all of our patients to take their prescribed pain medication as directed. It is unwise to wait and see if pain worsens before taking medication. Doing so may put you in the position of chasing pain to alleviate it rather than preventively keeping it at bay. The reason so many people think tummy tuck recovery is very painful is that it is necessary to keep a slight bend at the waist for about 10 days following surgery. This is needed because the muscles have been tightened and take time to settle, not because it is painful to lie flat or stand upright.
Regardless of postural limitations, patients are advised to start walking short distances the same day they have their tummy tuck. Walking helps promote good circulation, which is necessary for healing. It also maintains the blood flow that can prevent blood clots from forming due to inactivity. After abdominoplasty, patients are typically off work for a full two weeks. Driving may resume once you are comfortable and are no longer taking prescribed pain medication. However, before driving, make sure that you can safely twist enough to look over your shoulder. While walking should continue daily, most patients are advised to avoid exercise for at least three weeks. More strenuous activities may resume four to six weeks after surgery.
The results of abdominoplasty surgery can be seen immediately, especially in patients whose laxity was more severe. That said, swelling and bruising obscure results to some degree. It can take several months for swelling to resolve completely and for the abdominal tissue and skin to reach their final position. Once the results of abdominoplasty have developed, it is rare to see fat and laxity recur to a significant degree.
Of all the points you should know about abdominoplasty, perhaps the most important one is that this procedure should only be performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Shah has been serving patients in the Las Vegas area for many years and, through his work, has made the world a more beautiful place. To schedule a consultation, contact us at (702) 805-2058.