Abdominoplasty surgery known as the tummy tuck is one of the leading plastic surgery procedures performed today. Why? Because the results of customized body-contouring are incredibly satisfying. The results of a tummy tuck can last forever when the patient takes good care of themselves after their recovery period. No need for ultra-restrictive diets. No need to sweat it out for hours at the gym every day. Just good, healthy living. If you like the idea of seeing a flat, tight midsection without extreme measures, you may be considering abdominoplasty.
Patients often inquire about this procedure using the term “mini tummy tuck.” We understand why. The idea of a mini tuck sounds more conservative. Less traumatic to the midsection area of the body. Patients also envision that a mini tummy tuck may give them outstanding results with a more comfortable recovery than a full tummy tuck. This may be true in some cases. However, we don’t want to “sell” any patient on the idea of a mini tummy tuck for those reasons.
Our approach to patient care is to provide fully informed consent. This means we discuss the abdominoplasty approach that is right for each person. Education is the name of the game during a surgical consultation, so it’s important to enter into this conversation with an open mind and eye for results. We help patients decide on treatment by discussing their goals for surgery, their available downtime, and their unique anatomy. Some of the most common anatomical concerns that cause people to seek surgical correction include:
- Rectus diastasis. This common reason for seeking abdominoplasty involves separation of the abdominal muscles at the vertical midline of the stomach area.
- Loose, crepey skin. This concern can arise after pregnancy, significant weight loss, or simply as a result of aging.
- Stretch marks on the tummy.
- Stubborn fatty deposits, often below the belly button and in the flank area, causing a “muffin top.”
- “Corseting” the rectus muscle within its anatomic zone, the midline of the abdomen. Diastasis recti can be repaired through the hip-to-hip incision common to abdominoplasty. Sometimes, a second incision is made in the navel area to reach the upper abdominal area. This incision is hidden from view.
- Trimming excess skin from the lower abdomen. In this step, the surgeon is usually able to reduce or eliminate stretch marks and an original C-section scar.
- Redrape abdominal skin to improve the contours of the midsection.
- Recontour the bell button, if appropriate, to create a youthful “inny” appearance.
- Liposuction excess abdominal or flank fat to refine the abdominal contour.
Abdominoplasty may seek to achieve one grand goal, but it does so by looking at the nuances of each patient’s abdominal anatomy. To schedule your tummy tuck consultation in our Henderson or Las Vegas office, call (702) 684-5502.